Progress from the last two days since I couldn't see last night to type: a revamped resume and cover letter, three rejections, eleven new applications, and a call from a recruiter saying though she's not sure if they're taking new grads, she was going to forward one of my applications to the unit's manager. I thanked her and told her to feel free to forward it to any unit manager she wanted to, that I'll try anything.
Where I dropped my resume off in person, the effects were mostly good: if they were there, they were nice and chatted with me for a bit. Of course, no one offered me an interview on the spot, but maybe I'll stick out in their memories a bit more.
And I still have that interview on Monday, so I'll be prepping for that over the weekend.
The clinic was fun. I caught onto my new duties pretty fast so next week I'll jump in on my own as much as I can. I definitely need to start brushing up on hypertension and diabetic drugs, tests, treatments, etc.--the whole nine yards. Not that I was caught short on info today, but it looks like many of the patients there have either/both conditions, and it would serve me well to know both of those conditions inside and out. I also talked to some of the other staff and volunteers's good practice at networking, something that I'm not good at and I wish they did teach us school.
I also got a crash course in how to use a tonometer, and maybe next time it's needed they'll let me go live with it.
The PALS book's going to be A LOT of studying. I was going to try to schedule the class ASAP, but the first available class date was during one of the volunteer days so I had to pass and go for the end of the month. After seeing the PALS book, I think it was the wise decision.
I don't know if getting all of these certifications is an exercise in futility in itself. I've yet to see a return on my investment...but oh well. I was going to be getting them anyway--I guess I'm just getting them early.
Enough about nursing and the exercise in futility.
The weather promises to be miserable all weekend, so I'll be in catching up on movies (hello, Zorro!) and reading...and sleep. Sleep has not been coming well for me--not from stress or any problems. I'm missing the "sleepy" window--you know, the point when I feel so drowsy that I should go to bed instead of staying up checking mail, watching TV, knitting, etc. Instead, I push myself to finish what I'm working on, with the result that when I'm done, I'm no longer tired. So of course, I start on something else, and next thing I know it's 2am.
Sleep aids are often counterproductive. Either they work too well and I'm groggy all next day, or they don't work and I'm groggy all day. Having a nightcap or two does the same thing. And no, don't suggest I have both together--I do want to wake up the next day, after all.