March 23, 2010

They asked

Today, the DON asked me if I wanted to go permanent. I told her...I'd think about it. So much for likely turning it down.

But I did think it over...and after talking the pros and cons over with most of the unit, as well as with one of my favorite supervisors, I've put in my application. I figure I'll see what terms we can come to and go from there. Worst case scenario: I don't like what they offer, I say No and I'm still PRN staff.

I never made it to Weight Watchers the other day...but I stepped on the scale and got 186. It's day 2 of being back in the far so good. I passed up cake during lunch and settled for an orange for dessert. Mind you, had I passed up lunch itself for a salad I'd have really scored points. But I at least made it up by having that salad with some soup for dinner.