So my first RN-BSN paper (well, the first paper for Current RN-BSN program) is almost done. It is on the table awaiting proof-reading run #2. I'll check the content for a couple more runs, then when I have the words just as I want them, I'll proofread the APA formatting. It's not due until the morning but given the time zone difference I plan to submit it this afternoon so I can watch the Pro Bowl.
It was very interesting to write this paper because I really got thinking about my own nursing beliefs and practices as well as what theories I identified with. I found myself rather drawn to Peplau's interpersonal relations theory. Surprising...or perhaps not surprising if you consider we work(ed) in mental health. I'll have to study her and the theory more.
I really need to start working on my Spanish. There are far too many Spanish-language networks showing far too interesting programs that I could be watching.