February 2, 2012


Feeling very blah today. I had to motivate myself to get out of bed, then motivate myself to get to the Y (cardio and leg work today), then motivate myself to get cleaned up after the Y. Now I sit here trying to get motivated to work on this week's assignment, which I really should get a leg-up on since Sunday is the Super Bowl. And I'd like to be able to watch the game and work on the new sock that I just cast on.

Maybe it's been my medications--I forgot to take them this morning (I just took them now). Maybe it's the fact that I'm currently in the process of switching medications (I'm tapering down one as I start up the other). Maybe it's the headache I currently have (and I just took 800mg ibuprofen too). Maybe it's the fact that the groundhog saw his shadow and so it's 6 more weeks of winter (i.e., more 70 degree sunny weather, instead of 80 degree sunny weather).

I don't really think it's any of that. I think I just woke up in a blah mood. And as I tell my patients, sometimes blah happens. So here I am, trying to ride blah out. I suppose I don't have to work on my schoolwork today...but I'm working tomorrow and we have a lot to do on Saturday, so I really should suck it up and do it, even if I'm feeling blah.

The nurses who have been orienting me can't really understand why I want to get back to inpatient. They keep telling me, "no you don't" and go on about how much better outpatient is. I'll be honest, it is a sweet deal. I get paid handsomely for working in a less stressful situation. At the same time, these nurses are many years into their careers: 10, 15, 20+. Most of them came to outpatient after putting in the full inpatient tour, and wanted a comfortable place to spin out the rest of their career.

I can't say I blame them...but for me, I'm still a nursing youngster. I'm just starting my career out and I want to accumulate varied nursing experiences. Even stressful hectic inpatient ones. I need them to build my career and give me a good foundation for whatever path I plan to take when I go back for my postgraduate degree. I'm just not ready to kick it into low gear for now until retirement...especially since eventually we will return east, where I'll make a lot less working inpatient than I do here working outpatient. So you can imagine how much lower the outpatient salary will be out east.

So I did get my new phone, and I'm still trying to figure it out. It's not the iPhone: it's the Samsung Galaxy.
It's the first time I've had a touch-screen phone...it's nothing like my old familiar BlackBerry. I'm trying to get it to sync its task list with the one in iCal, and it's been frustrating. Bah.