I felt the tickle in the throat coming on since Monday. Today, I decided to forgo working out, stay in bed and nurse myself. So after getting the little one off to school, I went back to sleep until noon. I now sit here, sipping Theraflu and debating about when to take that hot bath. This is really the only day I can spend in bed imitating a vegetable, as tomorrow I have appointments, and on Friday I start the first shift of a six-shift stretch in eating disorders.
I had a great time with my sister's family. I especially loved having my nephew around. Little one was happy to have him around too, but had small bouts of jealousy...which is understandable since it's always just been him around. When my new nephew-to-be arrives, I guess my current nephew will be having bouts of jealously too, and they can commiserate together.
They did find a house and make an offer...but whatever happens with it, they still have to be out here in July.
A psych/medical per diem spot opened up in the hospital chain. I'm taking the day to decide whether to apply.