I started my leadership class. I have my nurse leader to shadow and I start...tomorrow. Didn't exactly plan on starting that soon, but it's probably better in the end, given my schedule over the next two weeks. Plus, he is someone who actually enjoys mentoring and said that tomorrow would be perfect for me to start...I'd be insane to let this opportunity pass by! So today I need to prepare for this so I don't come across as a darn fool. Prepping my notes, getting my game plan all ready.
I have to go buy a business casual maternity shirt. By some miracle of God, I still fit into my non-maternity slacks AND look decent in them, so I don't have to stress about pants. Though if I do come across a nice pair in my maternity shirt shopping travels, I may get them since tomorrow will not be the only day that I do this. I also have to pack my scrubs to take with me because after a morning of being The Shadow, I have to go to work. I could wear the same clothing, but no one would recognize me. Trust me, I'm not kidding on this.
I'm also waiting on my textbook to arrive. It happens to be the same exact textbook that I used for a nursing leadership class in my first ADN program..but in a cruel twist of fate, the book they want is the 8th edition...I have the 6th. One edition off isn't too bad; two editions off and too much as changed. So I ordered it Saturday...expected delivery today. I'll work on my History homework as I wait for it, then hit the store, then lunch, then shadow prep.
At least the leadership class is all projects, papers and discussions. No tests to study for, which is a nice break. Especially since I'm still in the midst of the History class from Hell.
I have to admit, school has been a lot more manageable since I gave up the inpatient job. It's almost bordering on enjoyable. It's still a lot of work though, and a lot of my time goes into work for one class or another. But I don't feel as overwhelmed as I used to. My mood has been better. The family has commented that I have been happier. The little one especially is happy to have me physically and mentally around more.