I started cleaning out the office, which will become the little one-to-be's nursery. This is not meant to be a one-day process: I figured I'd work on a it a bit each day. Of course, little one-to-be won't be living in it for several months, but given that I'm a pack-rat by nature, I need to get an early start on the process.
I culled the nursing school textbook herd quite a bit and I still have almost bookshelf full. Same with the knitting books. Unfortunately, there's too many to combine into one bookshelf, so I'll have to think of something.
I also found a few unfinished knitting and crochet projects that I should tackle once I stop working and go on baby-watch. I found a blanket for my bed, two wool shawls, two pairs of socks, a burp cloth and a charity blanket. I also found a baby blanket in gender neutral colors that I have no idea who I was making it for, but it's almost finished. So I'm going to finish it off and set it aside for the little one-to-be.
I also cleaned the stove. That's today's adventure in nesting.
I was going to see my nephews tonight to let my sister have an evening off. I made plans for the better half and little one to go to a monster truck show while I babysat. I actually like monster trucks (and my Grave Digger is going to be there) but figured that being at a monster truck show at 35 weeks' pregnant is probably not the best idea. The boys better bring me back lots of pictures and if possible, a Grave Digger souvenir.
But then I found out that my sister and one nephew have strep, and the other nephew has a cold. So no babysitting for me. I need to get strep while pregnant even less than I need to be at a monster truck show while pregnant.
I now have an evening to myself: definitely a Chinese food night. I wonder what sort of movie/television marathon I should have...and I should pull out that baby blanket in progress and work on it while I'm watching.