So I had lined up an excellent childcare provider for little one #2. The dilemma is that there is another provider who has an opening and who may work out better for me. Both providers are licensed and insured.
The pros of provider #2: childcare center as opposed to in-house, hours are a better fit, more flexible regarding rotating schedules, very close to where I live, reasonable cost for two days a week, decent reviews online.
The cons: childcare center as opposed to in-house (let's face it, each has advantages and disadvantages), don't have prior experience with them, available start date is not my desired start date (and because they are licensed they can't go over ratio), drop-in care availability questionable and if available, cost may go up drastically on weeks I need more than two days.
Meanwhile, pros of provider #1: in-house as opposed to larger center, have used them before with the older little one and all were happy, definitely know what the cost will be each week, decent flexibility, can start anytime, drop-in care available as I'd be reserving a full-time spot with them, better half likes them.
Cons of provider #1: may not be as flexible as I need them to be because their start hours don't coincide with my work hours (they are opening early for me for the days I need them)...and because of that, rotating schedules may not go over well.
I have an appointment this week to tour provider #2. I plan to pepper them with many questions.
Meanwhile, I still have provider #1 so unless provider #2 can answer my questions to my satisfaction, I'll be signing with her. I was going to do that this week, but little one #2 got sick. I don't want to risk spreading it to any other kids, so I reschedules my date with provider #1. This will give me a chance to talk to provider #2 as well as to my employers so I get an idea of what hours I will really be needing.