Capstone is up on my Blackboard, so I've been downloading materials and updating the calendar. The deadline for assignments is 0800 Texas time. That means 0600 my time. As I don't see myself getting up at 0-dark-30 to submit assignments...I put the due date for all assignments as the night before. So that's a bit of an annoyance, but it's nothing I haven't had to deal with before.
This means that I have to submit some of Week 5's assignments before Week 5 even begins.
But at this point, I no longer care. In 5 weeks, I will have completed this course and thus the BSN program.
No textbook needed. No tests. The discussion questions are back. Lots of writing, but after Vulnerable Populations, it can't be that bad.
In other news, the weather finally started to change. There's a bit of a chill in the air in the evenings. We went to see my sister and her family yesterday, and we dined on Thai on the patio. Good thing my pad thai was spicy enough to keep me warm.