I interviewed for another job. I didn't get it.
It wasn't as though I am unhappy where I currently am. My current facility treats me well...for the most part. It pays well and I get enough hours as of late. Sometimes I feel a little under-appreciated and trapped. I know they'd rather I stay where I am instead of working in the inpatient side. But I'm also trying to lay down the ground work for when I take a permanent position next year. I don't know if that will be at my current facility; sometimes I can see myself working there until retirement, while other times I feel like I should see if there are better options out there.
After talking to a friend who had been encouraging me to explore those options, I brushed up the resume and applied to where he worked. Hey, I may as well work a network connection.
Like I said, I wasn't unhappy where I am...I think it was half to see if I could get in this facility which is notoriously hard to get into, and half to see if I still an attractive candidate to other facilities. I guess I was attractive enough in that I got an interview. Not attractive enough though as I got the rejection e-mail a couple of days later.
I'll admit, it wasn't my best interview: I'm a couple of years out of practice. There were some questions that I could have answered a lot better. I think I was a little too honest/open about a few things which may have made them wonder if I'd be a good fit. And the job, while interesting, wasn't quite what I thought it would be...and I think that conveyed.
So it was a nice ego boost to be considered for an interview. And a little bit crushing to be rejected. But the feeling is more from the rejection itself than because of not getting particular job. But at least I know what to expect should I ever interview with them again.
Though it's not as though I'm wanting for work lately. I've been working a lot...a little too much actually. As in working 5-6 days a week for the last few weeks. I think I'm starting to burn out.