September 3, 2015


Still working 5-6 days a week.  Mind you, I'm in two jobs that I both love, so it's not as torturous as it sounds.  But 5-6 days of work a week including a few NOCs in there...and time just seems to fly by.

I started researching online MSN programs.  I decided that I want to get started on my degree in the next year or so.  I'm not going to go for the PMHNP just yet because a.  the cost and b. finding an accredited program that is affordable.  I do live near a school with one of the best PMHNP programs around...but its also extremely expensive.  I spoke to someone who has just completed a PMHNP program and she recommended that since the DNP requirement is (apparently) becoming a reality in 2017, that I get the MSN now and then complete a post-grad/DNP program later.  She pointed out that I'm going to have to do the MSN-level work anyway, so why not do it at a school that is more affordable.

So I'm going to get a MSN in Nursing Education first.

I want to take an online program because of the flexibility, especially with rotating shifts and two little ones.  I have narrowed it down to three schools.  Benedictine, Sacred Heart, and University of Texas at Arlington.  All cost around the same, all are rather flexible, all have great reputations so far, though I'm going to do a little more digging.

UTA has the advantage of the easiest admission:  as I'm already a graduate from UTA, I don't have to submit resumes, transcripts, etc.  or take any admissions testing.  I pretty much have to tell them, "hey, I want in" and I'll be in.

In other news, my little ones are now addicted to Shaun the Sheep...more proof that they are indeed my children.