December 20, 2015

In which Meriwhen says Yes...

to the psych-medical position.

I decided to withdraw my application from the ED for several reasons, a lot of which I won't go into here...let me just say that I didn't think I was ready for what I was going up against.  And that is true:  I do not have a lot of acute care medical nursing skills.  Maybe in a couple of years, after I get some more medical experience, I'll try again.

I will admit that after I withdrew, I felt at peace with the decision, like a weight was off of my chest.  Perhaps it wasn't meant to be right now.

So this brings me here, to psych-medical and the world's most painless interview:

Manager:  Hi.  Here's the scheduling requirements and the rest of the info.  Any questions?

Me:  No, it looks great.

Manager:  You start in two weeks.

The only reason that the interview was painless was that I had essentially been interviewing with them for the last year.  They've seen me and my work in action so they knew exactly what they were getting.  And I also knew what I was getting into, since I have been working shifts there for the last year.  The interview proper was to make sure I knew the specifics and agreed.

I was hugged by someone when they heard the news.  And I've seen a few excited that I was working my two-week notice.  Granted, I wasn't leaving at the end of two weeks, just becoming permanent staff.  I'll take this as they're happy to have me joining them.

I'll confess:  I was hoping that psych-medical would get back to me before I interviewed with the ED.  The manager got my official application the day after I interviewed fact, the ED manager called her to ask about me.  She was relieved when I had told her that I had withdrawn.

Financially, I'm going to be making roughly the same as I am now, which was a very pleasant surprise.  It actually will be a little less since I'm working just under full-time, but I also have the room to pick up an extra shift per pay period if I so chose.  Benefits (a lot of which I don't need and will decline), PTO, opportunities for growth and advancement, a great working was an offer I could not refuse.

I "start" after the New Year.

My mom is out here for the holidays.  It's weird not to have both parents here.  It hits me at odd times and in odd ways.  No one is going to provide running commentary and give me a hard time as I'm driving.