Technology is grand.
So I as mentioned last time, I applied to WGU. In less than 24 hours, I was able to have my application in as well as all but one of my transcripts (there were a few) securely in their possession.
The remaining transcript is for one course that I took at a small community college in southern Texas. They did not accept online transcript transfers, so I had to submit a faxed request, which was sent out the same day I requested--and received--the other transcripts. Its receipt at WGU is still pending. I couldn't skip this transcript as it was for a pre-requisite course for both the ADN and BSN.
So I have been granted provisional acceptance into the MSN-Education program. Of course, transcript #5 has to make it, plus I have to do a whole slew of other things, including two interviews. Given that this was a holiday week, I didn't press my counselor for contact. But now that the holidays and accompanying spring breaks are almost over, I'll be dropping her a note to set up the first interview for sometime next week.
There is also the question of when to start the program. I can start on the first of any month...well, the first of any month after I have submitted and done everything I needed to, which would need to be done by the first of the prior month. So if I wanted to start June 1, I have to have everything tied up by May 1 so I could start orientation on May 15.
I'm torn between starting in June or in July. On one hand, I'm rather eager to jump in and get things started...because the sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish. It'll be nice to be back in school again. On the other hand, my mother is visiting for two weeks in June and I don't want to have to worry about schoolwork while she's here. I was fortunate enough to get one of the two weeks off work, and she is very excited about that.
Financially, I could start in June as I have enough to cover the first session's tuition stashed
in my school savings account, plus there's a couple of scholarships I'm
going to apply for. They're merit/category-based, because I do not
qualify for any need-based funds. That reminds me, I need to complete
the FASFA (FAFSA?) this week. On the other hand, waiting until July just puts extra money in the kitty, plus lets me look for more scholarships.
And I do have tuition reimbursement available...which actually will cover a half-year of tuition each year. So while I may not be able to get this MSN at no-cost (though I'm certainly going to try!), it's going to be rather affordable.
I have not told anyone at work about the MSN. Well, some of them know
that one day I want to get a MSN, but I've not told anyone that I have
actually applied to a program. I'm not sure why I'm playing this close to my vest. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. And I wouldn't be the first one in grad school, though I'll be the only one not going for nurse practitioner. Maybe I want to get a feel for school first before I let the masses in on it. Who knows?
When I apply for tuition reimbursement,
it will definitely be out of the bag because I'll need my manager's signature on
the application. But that won't be until towards the end of the year.