Diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. I've been sitting around in my robe since I woke up. I'm not allowed to wear any deodorant, antiperspirant, lotion, perfume, etc. So I'm trying not to sweat. I'm also grateful that it's one of those rare mostly-overcast California days, as wearing sunblock is also out. I've got my biggest hat and sunglasses ready.
It's scheduled kind of late in the afternoon, which is lousy as I have to work tonight. But I'm planning to request a medical excuse note while I'm there so I can call off tonight if things run too long or if I'm too drained. I prefer not to call off, but I also don't know how I will be feeling after this.
One of my LVNs is into complementary/alternative medicine. She actually takes courses in it. She counsels all of us in various aspects of CAM. I participated in one of her class assignments where she had to read my chakras...and you know, for all the symbols she saw in me, not one was a sheep. Go fig.
Anyhow, I told her about the tests. She gave me some sage advice about relaxing and not rushing to make any hasty decisions. She also gave me some frankincense oil to rub on the site, and some positive affirmations and guided meditations to perform daily. She also offered to come along with me, but I felt like I'd be poor company for anyone to deal with.
I've always been open to CAM. They may not be the be-all end-all, and they may not be a guaranteed cure. They help--or are at least neutral--more often than they hurt, so provided this isn't an immediate life-or-death matter, I'm willing to try. I don't expect CAM on its own to stop hemorrhaging or restart a heart in asystole, but it couldn't hurt when it comes to being one of many treatments for a breast lump.
I've been using the oil a lot--I'm into essential oils, and I figure it definitely couldn't hurt. I need to remember to do the affirmations more.
The other half has been testier than usual. This is his way of coping with anything that potentially affects my health. I try not to take it personally...but as I'm also more sensitive than usual right now, I'm not doing very well at it.
It's going to be a long afternoon.