On Wednesday I got a call from a nurse manager who was forwarded my application. So what began as a day planned for doing laundry turned into a laundry day with a 20 minute phone interview. A formal interview is set up for next week, which gives me a few days to get my nursing portfolio in order and find something in my closet that I can still fit into...stupid weight gain. Meantime, I'm still brushing up the resume and getting cover letters ready. I found several (more than 10!) major hospital in my area and bookmarked all of their career websites. Starting on Monday I plan the attack.
Then my advisor from the RN-BSN program finally got in touch with me. Seems there was an error with something on one of my older transcripts but it is in the process of being ironed out and she will get my course plan to me as soon as it is updated, so I can begin. Of course, this was after I had contacted several other RN-BSN programs and one RN-MSN program for more information, as I was getting so frustrated with my current program that I was considering moving on. But now that my advisor is apparently alive, we'll see. I'd really rather stay in this program and I hope the communication (or lack thereof) issues were the rare exception and not the norm.
I've been eating better and because of that, I've been feeling better physically. Need to cut down on the wine a bit...I'm not excessively drinking at all--maybe a glass or two here and there--but it's not going to help my weight loss. I also got on the treadmill three times this week to do some serious walk/running. Strength training only happened one day and I'm STILL feeling the soreness from doing 10 jackknife crunches and 6 complete chest presses. Darn you, Wii Fit!
And as mentioned before, I set the date for my certification exam for December 1st. So my bedtime reading every night is one PMH review book or another.
Next week the little one goes back to school...thank goodness. I loved spending the extra time with him but I think I've hit my limit. Plus he really needs to get back into a regular routine, since he's been out of school for almost a month thanks to the move.