The two politics classes start on Monday. I just finished updating my calendar and Remember The Milk with all of my assignment and test due dates. Both classes are 8 weeks long, so they're not as bad as the 5-week insanity...but they are not as leisurely as the regular 15 week classes. I guess they're semi-accelerated.
In one corner, we have U.S. Government. All tests and learning projects. No papers, presentations or discussions, but two tests and learning modules each week. And they're not short little quiz tests either...nor are the use of notes allowed during the test. And I do honor it when an instructor says "no notes" for an online test. Time assignments are due: 1700 for me since I'll be working during all of this, it's actually due the day before.
In the other corner, we have State and Local Government...i.e., Texas 101. No, I didn't move back to Texas. Yes, I have to take this class for my BSN. Fewer tests but more discussions, a presentation and a paper. Things are due at 2359 CDT, thank God, so I didn't have to play "Adjust the Due Date." I just have to have it turned in by 2150-ish.
Remind me why I did this again...oh yeah, so I can finally get this BSN done.
So looking at the calendar, I already have assignments due on Thursday and Friday, with my first two tests on Sunday. I am working Monday through Friday at both jobs. I guess I should bring the textbook with me for reading during breaks and lunch...and some notepads for taking notes.
I did break my rule about not studying on vacations and read a bit of the U.S. government book before I received both syllabi. And after reading both syllabi, I think I'm going to have to break that rule again tomorrow and do some serious reading. In fact, I shouldn't expect to read anything but these two textbooks for the next 8 weeks.
I better enjoy my last night of freedom while I can.