Everyone was short-tempered, even the nurses' unofficial favorite doctor (reason: he talks TO patients and staff, not AT them). Plus the evening shift was short-staffed, so they were asking for volunteers, especially RNs, if they'd do a double. I declined due to too much homework to do, as well as not having any food on me: I can't do 16 hours on an empty stomach.
Still, no one died and no codes were called so it was a good day. We came rather close to having a couple of codes though.
I was dizzy during the early part of the morning, but it resolved by my second patient. It returned at home. Nausea went away...though honestly, I think I'd rather have the nausea over the dizziness.
I go to the doctor tomorrow...yeah, I said I'd wait until I was a week late, but thanks to the bureaucracy that is my healthcare insurance, I have to go to my PCP to get referred for OB care, and that process can take forever. So I figured I'd get it started now.