The new grad postings for my healthcare organization are up. Yes, it's that time of year when the new grads finish up their residency and start jockeying for the spots. No guarantees...though of course, if you're aiming for a particular spot, it helps if you have an "in" somewhere in that department. Then the department manager has a name to ask for when they submit the posting to HR.
We have a new grad coming our way next month. Their "in" was that they were a per-diem CNA/tech for us. And now they're a nurse for us.
We're actually doing pretty well in the new grad front. We've had quite a few of them over the last couple of years, and so far almost all of them have stuck around. It's nice to see that there's new nurses who are really interested in psych, and not just using it as a way-station to get their golden first year of experience before moving on to another specialty.