October 2, 2018

Did I mention I hate Nursing Informatics?

I find it odd that I hate informatics, given that I have over three decades of experience with computers and not just in using them to type papers and play games.  You'd think it'd be a great fit for me:  nursing and computers.  But I thoroughly dislike this class. 

I guess that's why I've been dragging my feet on it.  I finally submitted the first of two performance assessments...submitted it 20 minutes ago.  The second performance assessment is more presentation than paper, which will be a refreshing change.  It's still informatics though.

I look at the online WGU support groups and see people stating they blew through this class in a week or two, and I can't wrap my head around that.

Oh well.  I have to remember that I'm not competing against anyone but myself.

If I keep to my schedule, I have until the middle of this month to finish the second performance assessment and call it a day on the class.  That will then leave me with one class (Leadership) which I plan to finish by December.  Then my course load for the term will be completed and I'll have December off.  My program mentor asked if I'd consider moving a class up from next term, but I've got too much going on in December and I'd rather spend the time not having to juggle schoolwork around everything else.