January 8, 2013


Too sick to go to work:  called out for the last two days, and tomorrow is looking iffy.  No fever, thank God.  Sore throat, nasal drainage, sinus pressure, fatigue, headache instead.  But there's no fever.  I've been resting a lot, and catching up on reading A Game of Thrones.  I know, I'm behind the times...I've actually had the book on my Kindle for a couple of years; I just haven't gotten around to reading it until now.

I've also finished packing the hospital bag.  It's all ready to go should labor strike or--given my prior track record--the water breaks.  Clothing for me, for the little one-to-be, toiletries, book (decided I'm not bringing the Kindle so I won't have to keep track of it) and knitting to entertain myself with.  I know I've got at least a month, so I hope.  But it'll put the other half's mind at ease.